
-changed title size a bit.
-most menus fixed.
-main menu volume slider now works.
-restart/reload game now works.
-changed player UI position a little bit.
-added face portrait to player UI.
-added a global score count independent from player score count cause mi planing on future local coop multiplayer support (4 players in the same screen), but its far, still in very early dev stage.
-now energy bar from player UI works, you can fill it by knocking out slimes, or by charging power (ranged + interact buttons).
-added options menu to the pause menu.
-now you can go back from menus by pressing cancel button.
-now “ultras” powers cost energy, still need to retouch the energy cost and even the damage amount of each attack.
-now can jump and dash infinite when on climbing walls and ladders, and climbing animation wont change. -minor changes to platform and coin positions.
-added sfx when start flying, checkpoints, portals, fall zones, bouncy platforms and boost platforms.
-retouched some sfx to 3d space and change the audio listener from camera to the player.
-added lowpass sfx to underwater(sadly webgl doesn't support audio mixer filters).
-now background music get paused when on pause instead of just mute volume.
-now there's background music with lower volume when in end zone.
-retouched some particles (added more vfx to portals, wind zones, and increased size dust when running and wall sliding).
-changed dash, portals and checkpoints vfx.
-added vfx to stomp and jump actions, and to “powers” of melee and ranged attacks.
-did some overhaul changes to vfx, supposed “bright” particles are now unlit so they keep the same brightness level all the time and are not affected by ambient light and shadows.
-fixed torches overlapping platforms.
-retouched fireworks and ambient stars particle size.
-optimized most of particles fx used.
-increased CRT scan-lines.
-removed haptics for now on main menu fireworks
-retouched some animations.
-added an animation loop for when idle, main menu and end zone.
-retouched idle and taunt animations.
-now character will dance on score screen.
-changed the underwater dash animation to the swim animation so character doesn't open mouth underwater, still open it up when attacking but i don't want to do underwater animations for each attack.
-added more animations to those special moves (dragon punch, hadoken, etc).
-now you can grab to roofs, but not sure if this will brake platforming fun.
-did some changes so the gnomids at the end zone could face different directions, but now there is one less character, cause accidentally deleted them all and had to do them again, and didn't want to waste more time in doing all of them again(maybe when multiplayer is ready), and now they may look a bit different from before.
-changed character “leather” shoulders to “cloth” shoulders.
-fixed issue when more than one object at the same time fall in to the void and only 1 got re-spawned.
-fixed issue when shoot and ball changed position if player changed face direction.
-fixed sprite overlap between player character and npc characters in end zone.
-removed the time and sound freeze on end zone.
-fixed issue when attacking npc wont get hurt.
-fixed a void zone close to the ice platforms not teleporting you to the checkpoint when falling.
-added character select screen.
-added local multiplayer.
-camera will follow highest score (starting with player1).
-removed the camera zoom looping with select button, now camera will zoom automatically.
-select button now gives player a character select mini menu in the UI.
-added “press button” flashing text for inactive players.
-now players can pull and push other players and npcs.
-again player can dash pulling objects, added a new animation for do it blackguard, but i can barely see the difference.
-now knockout counter in the player-UI will count lives rater than deaths, and added maximum of 3 lives.
-now player be ko if fall to the void.
-there are spawn points inside the camera to be used in multiplayer.
-now if player get out of lives playing multiplayer, will gonna re-spawn until other player reaches a checkpoint.
-now player gonna get ko if you get out of camera for 3 seconds.
-fixed the issue with the camera turning in to a black screen after going back to main menu from the level complete screen.
-fixed the issue with the background going all to the left after restarting the game.
-fixed the empty space at the end of the levels, the tiles where too much to the right.
-changed again the “are you sure” text for “exit?”, “quit?” and so on…
-changed the way ground detection works to avoid sometimes being on ground but detected as not on ground.
-changed the way the checkpoints, respawners and the teleporters work, before all that checkpoint stuff was saved in the player controller because it was single player game, but now that it is a multiplayer everything is saved in the gamecontroller, before teleporters detected players one at a time and teleport them one at a time, now is the player who detect the teleporter so now every player can teleport wherever they want even if another player is teleporting at the same time.
-changed the way hidden zones work, before if more than one player entered the zone, if one exit the zone went hidden again with other players inside, now will remain unhidden until everyone is out.
-changed the way oneway platforms dropdown work, cause before the collision layers between player and oneway platforms got deactivated and for single player was ok, but for multiplayer every other player got that collision layer deactivated too, now instead each individual player deactivate its own collider for a fraction of time to make the dropdown.
-sometimes unity physics got bugged and there are times player got stuck between tilemaps, before already added a spawner inside those noticed zones, but forgot to remove the damage inflicted, now player will not get damage for glitching in to those zones.
-increased the range for the zoomed out camera.
-now energy bar will flash at full, and health bar will flash at low (lower than 20%)
-added new animations for running backwards and running backwards before flying, also for hurt and ko states, but haven't mess around with npc ai yet so they are not gonna be visible yet.
-added a standing sliding backwards animation.
-there is now a control rebinding screen, for gamepad and for keyboard, this one it took me some time to realize. It can be accessed via options menu, in main menu and in pause menu.
-did some cosmetic changes to main menu, now background color and main light change at the beat of the music, added confetti, ambient fog, 3 more random characters and one more firework.
-fixed the issue where pausing the game opened the menu but didn't freeze the time.
-fixed the issue where pausing the game and entering some sub-menu then unpause leaved the sub-menu open.
-fixed the “are you sHure” text xD English is not my native language, sorry.
-retouched the position of buttons and texts in UI.
-added post-processing toggle on screen options (main menu and pause menu).
-added crt-fx toggle on screen options(main menu and pause menu).
-added color to highlight the drop-down menus in screen options, and changed the font and size font.
-now dancing loop not gonna repeat same animation one after the other.
-added culling to animations to increase performance a bit.
-fixed the issue where you cant cause damage with melee attacks.
-adjusted some stats (damage and speeds).
-did lot of changes to code trying to optimize it, and because of the character select screen and local multiplayer, broke the game and took me 2 weeks to fix it. whit all the new features there gonna be a lot of new bugs on the new ones and on the older ones.
-the crash on the main menu of webgl version using keyboard as first player is still happening, but if the first mapping detected is a gamepad the crash wont happen.
-uploaded windows x86 version.

here's a video:


gnoMeMania_v0.240818_WebGL.zip 19 MB
Aug 18, 2024
gnoMeMania_v0.240818_windows_x64.zip 39 MB
Aug 18, 2024
gnoMeMania_v0.240818_windows_x86.zip 36 MB
Aug 18, 2024

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